We offer a full line of toilet partitions. We not only offer one of the finest toilet partition in the industry, but we stand behind it with our many years of manufacturing, allowing us to fabricate, and ship on time.

Powder Coated Steel

General’s Powder Coated galvanized-Bonderized Steel is available in all styles for toilet partitions, showers, and dressing compartments. The exclusive use of galvanized-bonderized steel provides additional protection while enhancing paint adhesion. The finish is a superior quality powder coated Hybrid Epoxy – polyester applied electrostatically, and baked until fully cured.

Stainless Steel

General’s exclusive use of stainless steel polished to a satin finish offers the ultimate in toilet partitions. The finish is protected in the manufacturing process and in shipping by a P.V.C. film which is removed at the time of installation. Scratches can be removed, and the original beauty restored by buffing. Also available with a deep textured surface, or powder coated.

Plastic Laminate

Toilet partitions manufactured in our plastic laminate line utilizes High Pressure laminates that meet or exceed NEMA standards. Standard core is particleboard and not recommended for high moisture areas. For high moisture areas, Solid Phenolic Core or High Density Polymer should be used.

Solid Phenolic Core

Solid Phenolic toilet partitions are composed of melamine impregnated decorative surface papers superimposed over a varying number of Kraft phenolic core sheets to achieve a desired thickness, forming a one piece panel which will not delaminate.

General’s H.D.P. toilet partitions, showers, and dressing compartments are manufactured using high-density polymer resin. Color is solid throughout. Compartments can not rust, rot, delaminate, or absorb odors.

High Density Polymer

Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic

General’s F.R.P. is a highly durable toilet partition system with a resin rich surface that is tough and easy to clean. Bonded to solid 90% wood substrate core manufactured with phenolic resins for moisture resistance. Virtually 100% of our wood supply comes from managed forestlands and all materials we use would either be burned or go to waste.

Color-Thru Phenolic

Color-Thru Solid Phenolic Core Panels offer all the strength and durability of our black core phenolic, with the added advantage of consistent matching color throughout the core, forming a one piece panel which will not delaminate.